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What To Give Your Date This Holiday Season?

By Russell Irving

'Tis the season for gift giving! Isn't it? The ads, the stores, family and friends... All remind us of that.
But what to do for the woman or man whom you are dating? How little or how much should you spend? What gifts are too personal? Or not personal enough?

I remember that when I was in my 20's and first engaging in some serious dating, I often spent far more than I should have on gifts. Inevitably, one or the other of us would end the relationship. Leaving me to wonder what I could have bought myself or bills that I could have paid with all that moolah.

While there are no hard and fast rules, there are some words of advice that I can impart. So, here we go... !

#1 If you have been dating less than 6 months or it is a very casual relationship, then stay away from jewelry or watches. Too expensive and far too along on the road to 'commitment'/ marriage.

#2 Lingerie or pajamas are okay of you have been sleeping together for at least 3 months. Otherwise, if no intercourse, yet, the items could be taken as a push in that direction. (Instead of simply letting it happen when you are both ready for it.)

#3 Clothing is acceptable if you know their taste.

#4 Perfume only if you know their favorite brand and if they use it regularly. Otherwise it smell of your belief that they need something to cover body odor.

#5 Music and technology are great gifts.

#6 A photo of you or both of you is just not the thing to give. Period.

#7 A car. Never! You'd really regret this, if you someday find yourself on the side of the road, so to speak.

#8 Birth control. (Don't laugh! Some idiots do this.) Wrong on so many levels.

#9 A ring. Too much, too soon. Unless you are truly prepared to pop the question or say 'Yes', if asked.

#10 Money or a gift card. Tacky. And shows that you have not been paying attention to their interests and needs.

#11 Yourself wrapped in saran wrap? What do you think? Really think?

As for how much to spend. Let's simply say that your wallet or purse should be none the worse after the purchase.

Good luck! And, Happy Holidays!

'Nuff said.

copyright - R. Irving